November 15, 2016

Tonight at The Westport Flea Market

Some good fun for our third Tuesday of the month non-tournament night!

Come join the Westport Chess Club for a presentation on the French Defense, with Ray Birt. Starting at 7 p.m., this lecture will provide an introduction to the French, with basic ideas for Black and White, and perhaps some important tips and tricks that you just "can't not know" if you are going to play this opening. Or need to know if you are looking for guidance for responding to 1 ... e6 as White. One has to start somewhere, and there is a reason why the main lines are the main lines. (I get tired of hearing that ... but it is true!) A good review for everyone!

And YES, it is casual chess night, so there will be plenty of "no-risk-to-your-rating" <snort / giggle / who cares, anyway, right?> games happening.

The usual $2.00 for adults, $1.00 for students and no charge for first-timers to the club.

We hope to see YOU at the Flea!

<AND, as ALWAYS, PLEASE don't drink and drive>🚑 😱

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